IHEC2024 Publication Process

Participants may choose to publish the papers presented orally at the conference either in the YÖÇAD Full Text Proceedings Book (in Turkish or English) or in the Higher Education Governance & Policy (HEGP) published under YÖÇAD, subject to the peer review process.

Below are details regarding the publication processes:

(1) Full Text Proceedings Book process conducted by YÖÇAD:

The deadline for submitting full texts in Turkish or English for the Proceedings Book is November 1, 2024. Full texts prepared should be submitted in the specified format to yocad.ihec@gmail.com as a Word document. Submitted Full Text Papers by participating authors will be sent to print following the approval of the book editors, after the authors have completed the suggested revisions.

Full Paper Book Format

You can reach the full paper book format in this link. (PDF)

You can download the full paper book format from this link. (docx)

(2) Journal process conducted in collaboration with the Higher Education Governance & Policy (HEGP):

The Higher Education Governance & Policy (HEGP) will be published in English. Papers presented in Turkish at the conference can also be published in this journal if translated into English. The journal’s regular annual publication process will be operated. The deadline for submitting texts in English is November 1, 2024, and details of the publication process can be accessed via the following links:

– Journal website: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/hegp

– Journal submission guidelines: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/hegp/writing-rules

– Journal indexes: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/hegp/indexes

The printing of the articles will depend on the decisions made at the end of the peer review process conducted by the journal editors after the author’s conference participation is confirmed.