Researchers who would like to proceed with the publication process will have two options as mentioned earlier: Full text in the Proceedings Book or Journal Article in the Journal of Higher Education, Turkey. Please see the further details on these two options below:
(1) The Proceedings Book (e-book) Process guided by YOCAD
The deadline for the full-text paper submission is October 27th, 2019 and needs to be written in a pre-defined format and should be sent as a word document via email to yocad.ihec@gmail.com address.
The editors of the proceedings book will make the necessary editing and changes before publishing the full-text in the e-book.
(2) Journal article publication in collaboration with Journal of Higher Education, Turkey (Yükseköğretim Dergisi)
Author(s) can only choose one of the options above; in other words, author(s) cannot publish the same paper in both proceedings book and in the journal.
The journal article publication procedures as follow:
All the journal articles should be sent in a journal format that can be reached at http://www.yuksekogretim.org/en/pages.asp?k=2.
If there is a sufficient number of journal article on the conference theme, “Students in Higher Education”, the articles will be evaluated for the Special Issue. If there is no sufficient number, the manuscripts will be evaluated through the journal’s regular publication process.
The deadline for the Journal of Higher Education article submission is December 13th, 2019 and will be sent as a word document via email to yocad.ihec@gmail.com address.
All the submissions sent to the journal should be clearly stated.
Submitted journals will be considered by YOCAD editors first, then by the Journal of Higher Education, Turkey editors and will be sent to the reviewers for the regular review process. Until all these three steps are fulfilled, there will be no final decision made about the publications.
Full Paper Book Format
You can reach the full paper book format in this link. (PDF)
You can download the full paper book format from this link. (docx)
IHEC 2019 Abstracts